The association initiated a process to prepare a strategic plan in 2014. The plan outlines the Vision, Core values, Strategic goals and objectives, key interventions, performance indicators, phasing and implementation responsibilities or actors for the various projects identified.
Goal 1: To build the capacity of the Secretariat in terms of human resource development and logistics to ensure effective service delivery
Goal 2: To build and maintain effective and reliable management information systems for the organization
Goal 3: To develop and implement an effective monitoring and evaluation system
Goal 4: To explore access to sustainable and affordable sources of funding.
Goal 5: To develop a comprehensive and long-term programme to build the capacity of its members in credit management
Goal 6: To embark on a vigorous financial literacy programmes for clients and the general public (with special emphasis on Financial Inclusion)
Goal 7: To liaise with the regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with regulations, check illegal operations and multiple borrowing
Goal 8: To contribute to the establishment of a credit referencing system for the organization